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Winter Fishing in the Netherlands – with Ade Kiddell

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Winter Fishing in the Netherlands – with Ade Kiddell

So far, the winter out here in the Netherlands has not been too bad, a few early morning frosts but very few really cold days and no snow so far. I always look forward to the new year as it signifies not only the beginning of another year but the gradual process of the arrival of spring with longer daylight hours and hopefully better weather.

My fishing has been limited partly through choice and also partly through a very busy schedule of work commitments both at home with major DIY projects and some work for a logistics company here in Holland. Let’s face it, I would rather be busy and unable to go fishing now than in a few weeks’ time as spring arrives!


Pike Fishing Gone Wrong

That isn’t to say I haven’t ventured out a few times in search of a fish or 2, I had an unsuccessful trip dead bait fishing for pike, wrong day, wrong location, wrong tactics, whichever it was I spent a full day without a single indication, but that’s fishing. Hopefully, I will have another go in the next few days as I am told the water holds some good pike.


Barbel River Fishing

I have been keeping up my challenge of catching a barbel every month of the year, both December and January’s fish were caught in a relatively small river in the Belgium Ardennes. I have fished this area a lot over the years as it's renowned for producing barbel even in the coldest of conditions.

Barbel can be difficult to catch in the winter, particularly as water temperatures drop and rivers run clear and cold. However, these small Belgium rivers are different. I will often fish them for barbel. When anywhere else the chances of catching barbel would be little to zero, here I know I still have a very good chance.

Just why this is has been talked about and discussed by many anglers with no scientific facts to back up anyone’s theories. My own opinion is that the area is known for many underground spas and springs that flow from the hills around the area into the rives. I believe a lot of this water flows from deep underground and at a very stable temperature which doesn’t alter much all year, which in turn keeps the rivers at a steady temperature.

Whatever the reason, it provides a chance to catch barbel in even the coldest of conditions, something I proved just a few days ago. I set out from home for the hours drive into the Ardennes with the car windows frozen solid and an air temperature well below zero. Arriving at the river it had a bit of extra water, and the banks were still covered in a heavy frost.

Using my favourite method of mashed pellet in the feeder and an 8mm pellet on the hair rig, I made the first cast as the weak winter sun broke through the mist. Wrapped up warm and with a big flask of tea, I kept at it ever confident of a barbel to complete my monthly challenge.

The puddles beside the river remained frozen all day but that didn’t deter the barbel to have a feed and early afternoon the first bite of the day produced a nice chub, but that lifted confidence as I was sure the barbel weren’t far behind. I wasn’t wrong with 3 nice barbel following very quickly before dark and time to pack up for the drive home.

A very rewarding but cold day had produced another winter barbel and a milestone fish as it was the 60th consecutive month I had caught a barbel, a nice record and I am sure not many if any anglers have achieved.


Memories of Great Catches

Sometimes those memories that pop up on your social media account bring back happy recollections of times past with one such one popping up a few days ago reminding me it was ten years ago I had the most memorable fishing session of my life.

Having been to India to fish for mahseer on a few occasions I was drawn to this amazing country not only for the chance of a huge fish but also the chance to live in the jungle by the river and witness its amazing nature and the traditional southern Indian food served. Where else can you fish and watch wild elephants come to the river to drink, or watch with caution as crocodiles keep warm in the sun? A truly amazing place.

As one of my favourite fishing spots in the whole world, it was in India (almost ten years ago) where I managed to hook and land a huge mahseer at over 80lbs. A true fish of a lifetime an amazing experience I will never forget. To step into the footsteps of anglers that have fished for the mighty mahseer was amazing to catch the fish of my dreams unbelievable, to this day my spine still tingles at the thought.

Future Fishing Trips

After finishing this blog, I think I will get my gear ready for a trip into Belgium tomorrow and try for a barbel. The weather has been good this week with above-average temperatures, so all looks good. I will let you know how it goes.


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