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The Week Ahead...

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The Week Ahead...

The Prospects…

Last week was pretty average, the weather was rather unsettled, temperatures dropped to a seasonal average and overall I guess it was pretty typical for what we would expect in November. We cannot really complain too much, as already this winter looks like it’s going to be shorter than last, which is great for all us anglers.

This week looks very similar, if anything it maybe a slightly better week, its certainly forecast to be a little more settled, even if a little cooler. The winds are expected to swing round to a North, North West direction and the cooler weather fronts from the north are expected to take hold.


Yesterday I found myself reaching into the glove box of the car for the de-icer as the windows on my car where well and truly frozen, the first time I’ve noticed it this winter, however normally by the time I wake up the frost has been and gone!

What does this mean for the fishing?

Well cooling temperatures and frosts are never a good sign and most species really switch off in these conditions, they can become very lethargic and difficult to catch, often taking refuge in small pockets of the lake/river where the water is warmest. If you can find where these area’s are then you’ll stand more chance of catching and a mobile active approach at this time of year will often yield better results.

If you are planning a trip this week then the end of the week/weekend looks the best time as according to our friendly fishing App, fishing efficency will be over 90% on Saturday and Sunday and infact Sunday shows a pretty perfect 100% rating!


If you plan on having a session and do get out then good luck and of course don’t forget to let us know how you get on! Send any pictures and reports to:


My Fishing…

Small tides and a distinct lack of Codling once again kept me indoors last week, I just cannot seem to drum up enough enthusiasm for a trip, the fish that were there a few weeks back seemed to have disappeared and the early promise of a bumper winter seems to have faded slightly, but I suppose you never know, there’s still time.

Normally at this time of year I plan a session to Orford island, however I haven’t even really thought about it, I keep threatening to do so, but there’s something in my head telling me ‘wait a few more weeks, there maybe more fish about then’ the trouble is, November and December are usually the best two months, so if I wait much longer one of the them will be gone!

I was looking through some of my old pictures for some inspiration and found these two (below) I checked the date, they were landed three years ago this weekend and were part of an 8 fish haul! Just one of these, half that size would do at the moment!


As the saying goes ‘you gotta be in it, to win it’ so perhaps I’ll stop moaning like an old codger and just get out and give it a go, if I do I’ll be sure to post up the results, however depressing!!

Saturday saw me on the bank filming with Steve, as mentioned last week we had a session planned with fellow colleague and good pal Rob Shanks, however unfortunately Rob was ill, so there was only the two of us.

All in all it was a fantastic session, as we managed five runs and four absolutely stunning fish, nothing massive but fish nudging double figures. As I mentioned in the cooler months a more active, mobile approach is best and this is exactly what we opted for, recasting every half an hour with small PVA bags and Fluro pop-ups we covered lots of water and eventually dropped on a little pocket of fish.

I am now in the process of editing the footage, so as soon as it’s sorted I’ll get it up online.

Talking of new video’s, there’s a brand new one online on our blog, this one is all about fishing the maggot feeder for Carp, you can check it out below, or click the link to watch it over at ADTV and to see an in depth tackle list of all products featured.

Winter Carp Fishing Using The Maggot Feeder


Pictures Of The Week…

Novembers picture of the month is well and truly underway as I posted another bunch of super pictures up on Friday! You can see them all in the album by clicking the link below…

November Picture Of The Month Entries

I’d like to say a massive thanks to everyone who has submitted a picture, especially those on Facebook, who I was lucky enough to speak too. I wish you all good luck! Remember to like and share your favourites to stand the best chance of winning.

If you want to get in on the action and stand a chance of winning a £50 voucher then get sending your pictures in!

Also it’s worth remembering it’s a picture of the month competition and not a just a fish of the month, so it’s not all about the biggest Carp!

If you want to enter the competition and appear on our blog and social sites then feel free to email your pictures and reports to… you can also share them with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages.



In The Press…

CEFAS Target Crayfish

Invasive species targeted by the government.

CEFAS has announced trials to find ways of reducing the impact of the none native signal crayfish on English water bodies. CEFAS (the Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science)is aiming to find the most effective way of reducing signal crayfish numbers and their impacts on our aquatic wildlife.

The Defra-funded project is supported by an army of volunteers from angling clubs and others with an interest in the conservation of their local rivers, lakes and canals. The volunteers will be supported by CEFAS scientists who will analyse the results of the study. The aim is to produce a guide to water managers on the most efficient way of reducing signal crayfish numbers.

The study will also provide some useful insights into the challenges and opportunities posed by different angling venues, including public access and mixed-use waters. Signal crayfish have been rapidly invading our waterways since the 1970s, predating on fish, fish eggs, invertebrates, and burrowing into banks causing them to collapse. They are the biggest threat to our native white clawed crayfish through predation, and passing on the deadly crayfish plague that they carry but against which our native species have no immunity.

The work is also being supported by the Environment Agency and Natural England with further investigations underway to look at alternative methods of control such as male sterilisation. Environment Minister Lord de Mauley said: “Signal crayfish are damaging our native aquatic life and eroding our riverbanks, but with volunteers and scientists working together, we will be able to identify the most effective ways of reducing the destruction they are causing to our waterways.”


Chew Valley Monster Banked 42lb 4oz fish is new venue record.

Tom Mills has set a new venue record at the prolific Chew Valley Lake near Bristol, after banking this massive 42lb 4oz pike. The fish was caught on deadbaits, and beats the previous venue record - a 40lb 8oz fly caught fish by 1lb 12oz.

The catch has prompted speculation that the venue could in fact hold a British record fish - with the current UK best standing at 46lb 13oz - just 4lb 9oz heavier than the recent capture. Indeed, many speculate that when the fish is carrying spawn early next year, it will be heavy enough to beat the current UK best.

As a consequence, all winter pike fishing permits at Chew Valley have been sold for the rest of the year, and the venue is asking anglers not to contact them for availability.

Total Coarse Fishing Editor, and predator fishing enthusiast, Steve Phillips commented: "This is clearly a very special fish, and I believe it could easily nudge over the UK record. As the pike fishing season progresses, the fish will clap on weight for sure - and if it fills up with spawn early next year it could way far more than the current record. Of course, the million dollar question is whether anyone will manage to catch it while it is at this size."


Deep Sea Giant

485lb halibut sets tongues wagging. A monster halibut measuring 2.5 meters (about 8.2 feet) in length and weighing 245 kilos (540lb) has been caught off Norway. The monster, which was caught by Reinhard Wuhrmann from is thought to be one of the biggest ever recorded, and more than twice the size of the UK record, which is a mere 106 kilos.

Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) inhabit cold and boreal waters of the North Atlantic, including the Barents Sea, Iceland, and Greenland. It is also found in very deep, cold waters as far south as Virginia on the American side and southwest Ireland on the European side. This species does not occur in near freezing polar waters as many people believe, but is replaced there by the Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides.

Previous notable captures include Bosse Carlsson and Hans-Olov Nilsson, who took a 210 kilo (around 462 pounds) halibut off the coast of Norway in 2009. The 70-year-old Hansel reportedly battled his catch for some two hours before bringing it on board with the help of five others.



In Store…

Last week seemed a little quieter, however I think it may just be the calm before the storm, as everyone and everywhere is slowly gearing up for the festive period! I noticed the Christmas adverts are in full swing and it will only be a matter of time before the Christmas lights, tree’s and songs are in stores up and down the country.

Of course here at Angling Direct we are no different, and this week we will be looking at some fantastic Christmas promotions, special deals and a very special countdown to Christmas competition, which we will be launching on our Facebook page very shortly.

For me it’s a very busy time, but also a very exciting time, I love Christmas and think everyone seems 10% happier than they do at other times of the year, it also seems to give everyone an excuse… ‘Oh go on, it is Christmas!’

Hopefully this weekend our new Christmas website skin and Christmas gift categories will also be implemented, so if your looking for that Christmas gift them be sure to check out our website.

Taking of Christmas gifts, we received the first delivery of Rapala Angry Birds Lures and Keyrings! These bad boys received quite a reception online and in store and look set to become a best seller over the Christmas period, so be sure to check them out!



Product of the week…

Penn 525 Mag 2 Multiplier

For years I’ve owned a pair of the original Penn 525 Mags, they have been fantastic servants and have been well and truly used and abused, they been cast hundreds, if not thousands of times and have cranked many large Cod, Smoothound and Bass from the surf.

But in one sad evening in June, they gave up the ghost, it was one cast two far and they had to be retired! I could have probably got them re-serviced and fixed, but I thought it was about time I invested in some new ones!

After a loving relationship of nearly 8 years, I needed a new, younger, sportier model! I couldn’t possibly be unfaithful; there was only one choice…To read the full review click the link below…

Penn 525 Mag 2 Multiplier Review

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