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Top 5 Fishing Experiences – With Amanda Hook

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Top 5 Fishing Experiences – With Amanda Hook

For this blog entry, I thought I would cover some of my favourite fishing experiences to date. For me, trying out different forms and fishing for different disciplines has kept fishing a lot more interesting, rather than just fishing for one species.

Working for Angling Direct enables that, as we sell such a wide variety of fishing equipment. With Phil knowing basically all types of fishing I’ve been lucky enough to try a lot out within a short amount of time!


1. Trying Fly Fishing

One type of fishing I remember loving was fly fishing. On a photography day out in the summer months, I had a go at some fly angling as I would have never tried if I was not working with Angling Direct, but the fly is one discipline I’d been interested in trying.

Fly fishing is super hard, but a totally addictive way of fishing! I think we stayed until about 8 pm into the evening as myself and the video team just totally lost track of time. Anyone wanting to give fly fishing a go; Rocklands Mere Fishery is a great little lake filled with loads of trout. This fly fishing venue also has a coarse lake filled with crucian carp and tench.

Phil and I also had a go on the coarse lake at Rocklands Mere Fishery for some crucians on another day spent there with float fishing tactics but unfortunately, we just had a couple of tench! Hopefully, we will get the chance to go back and try again for the crucian.


2. The Beginner Sea Angler

Another discipline I enjoyed trying was sea fishing. I loved being on the beach as it is always a good place to be, so adding fishing was a no brainer! Fishing in the sea is interesting because you really don’t know what could be next. One thing I’d love to try sea fishing wise is bass fishing with lures.

When Phil and I visited the shorelines, we caught plenty of dogfish between us. I’d been quite a few times where we would catch nothing, but I remember on this day when the conditions were spot on and within just a couple of hours we had plenty of action! Although it was nothing big on this occasion, we were getting plenty of bites which for a beginner like me, is enough to get the fishing buzz!


3. Chub Fishing Sessions

A type of fishing I have recently tried while out with Phil again was Chub fishing. We went out for a day's photography targeting pike on a really beautiful frosty morning...  I think a lot of people can agree that a big part of fishing is the amazing views.

As the day went on we gave it about an hour/half an hour in each spot sharing the bites using dead baits, watching the float disappear now and then. What I love about fishing the river is it feels completely wild and like sea fishing. What will you get next, you just don’t know! Which just makes it even more exciting when that float goes under. When we got to the end of the stretch the float went and it was my turn to strike! It felt super strange reeling it in like it was swimming towards me. So at first, I thought it was a jack pike, but as it came in, it was a very unexpected chub!

This was my first chub catch so of course a PB at 4lb. I was super chuffed and from then on just wanted to get some chub rods on the water! Phil suggested we go back and get the chub rods and try again for chub as he had some cheese paste at the ready and all the gear set up. It would also give us a chance to get two different lifestyle images in the space of one day.

Fishing with a quiver tip rod for the chub was a lot more exciting and feeling them fight made it more of a fun sport! I ended up with two in short spells of one another. A day that turned into a mega day filled with lots of action and in winter. Couldn’t have asked for much more!


4. Grayling Fishing on the River Itchen

Another species we fished for was Grayling. With the new Southampton Angling Direct store opening back in January 2022, we had the chance to go fishing the chalk streams, at the beautiful River Itchen. This was a delicate way of fishing with tiny hooks and a light line makes it hard to get the fish in. So finding the right balance to get them in the net is a lot harder than it looks but when you do manage to get one in, it makes it all the more worth the effort, even if it is a trout! I’ll take it. 

5. River Fishing for Barbel

Barbel fishing has been another great experience on the River Trent. Amazing river with amazing stocks of barbel. A fish I never thought I would enjoy fishing for but being by the river and getting screaming takes from really strong fighting fish is a lot of fun. Something different to fish for once a year or so just to get that barbel fix!

Why I Enjoy Fishing

I enjoy fishing with Phil as I always learn a lot but it’s also great to get out on my own when I can. Solo fishing means I can put everything into practice and learn from my mistakes so that know what not to and what to do for the next time I head out for a session. I also enjoy fishing with my family. My brother has recently got back into it as well as my dad and I have even taken my niece and nephew so it’s been a great sport getting us all back together doing something active and fun.

Future Fishing Trips

Chub fishing is something I want to do more of in the future, along with carp and predator fishing. These 3 options keep me active all year round catching plenty of different species and enjoying different waters. Fishing in big reservoirs has been something I’ve enjoyed too and something I want to go back to.

Check out more posts from Amanda, here.

What are some of your fondest fishing experiences to date? Let us know via social media!

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