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Tackle Tuesday- Hinders PVA Bag Mix

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Tackle Tuesday- Hinders PVA Bag Mix

Fishing a solid PVA bag has become a go-to method for many carp anglers up and down the country, the method guarantees perfect placement of particles around your hook bait, get your mix right and big carp will find your offerings irresistible.

Conventionally, anglers have created their own PVA bag mix from numerous elements; pellets, groundbait, crushed boilies and liquid attractants amongst other ingredients. Until now there hasn’t been a grab and go PVA bag mix on the market but Hinders have created the ultimate PVA bag mix in conjunction with leading PVA bag specialist, Kev Hewitt.

The mix contains a copious amount of pellets, varying in size and flavour, in fact 75% of the mix is comprised of pellets, which are essential to creating tidy and concise PVA bags. The benefit of using several different pellets is the varying breakdown times and aromas that your mix will give off.

The mix includes; Hinders Mini 1.5mm pellets, Potent 2mm Red Fishmeal pellets, 2.3mm Little Gemz and 3mm pellets, the textural benefits of using such a mix is twofold, not only will it create a more aerodynamic PVA bag and enhance presentation but it will also keep the carp grubbing around your hookbait, allowing them to feed with confidence. 

Using just pellets will result in gaps in your PVA bags, in order to fill those gaps Hinders have used salmon fry crumb to make up the remaining 25% of the PVA mix. Salmon fry crumb is high in amino acids and will create a slick of attractant, drawing in even the most cautious of carp.

The Hinders PVA bag mix paired with a standout hook bait can be a deadly combination and has landed many big carp across the country, in all conditions, proving the mix can be used year round and will keep carp nosing around your swim, hoovering up all you have to offer.

Buy the Hinders PVA bag mix here


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