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The Sun Sets On Another Successful River Season - Justin Grapes

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The Sun Sets On Another Successful River Season - Justin Grapes

Coming into the last couple of weeks of the season, I was planning to go full steam ahead with two stretches of the Wensum. After giving my other half the bad news regarding my plans for the coming weeks, I was set and raring to go. My fishing was going to be a few hours after work after dark, which I was more confident with as the chub are much happier to take a bait. The stretches would have got a bit of attention in the day, too, so that was another reason to fish it a few hours after dark when the fish had had time to settle down and think about having a bit of grub. With 10 days to go, every minute of every night was going to be priceless, so choosing the right swims and stretch would be vital. The first couple of nights went ok, with a couple of hot spots producing chub to 5lb 6oz, but the third night was when things started to heat up and I saw some big fish. I'd been fishing a tough stretch earlier in the evening and then going onto a more productive stretch later on, as it had been fished more. As I sat in the last swim of the night, I got the feeling that there was a fish poking around as I had a couple of small knocks. I kept the bait moving across the swim then – bang – I had a bite! From the off it felt like a good fish but, with there being a bit of extra water in the river, they were all fighting hard at the minute. After a tough battle, the chub was in the net and it looked a good fish.

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A quick weighing revealed that, at 5lb 15oz, it was so close to the magical weight but still a big fish and a great start to my final river fling of the season. I was now really looking forward to the next night and hopefully some more action. Even when I was at work I was thinking of what to do and what swims to fish that night! After the 40 minute drive from work, I got to the car park and put on my now stinky salopettes – my cheese paste was ingrained in the legs now but I'm sure it helped me catch more fish as they could smell me coming… well, that was my theory.

I was just going to fish one stretch tonight and on arrival at the river my favourite swims were free. I started on a straight where there is a tree at the end of it, beginning about 30 feet away from the tree so I could work back after about 20/30 minutes or if I had a bite. After the first cast, I moved the bait further down the swim and, only five minutes later, I had a bite which I hooked into. From the start it took line and I was wondering what I was attached to! With the fish powering away then holding in the flow, I was struggling to get it back towards me. After what seemed like ages, the fish got closer and it looked like another big fish but it wasn't finished yet. She took some more line and powered into the middle of the river again. After this run, she came back and slid straight into the net. I sat back in my seat for a second and let my arm recover! I stood up and peeled back the mesh and had a look at my prize. I couldn't wait to get this fish on the scales as it looked like a mid six pounder.

After getting everything ready I got the fish out and slid her carefully into the weigh sling. I was a bit shocked on when I saw the needle went around to 6lb 12oz. To say I was happy would be an understatement. After making a call to chub guru Darryn and telling him the good news, I took a few photos and released the beast back to its home to fight another day.


As I had had the fish early in the evening, I decided to have another cast and chance my luck and see if there was another chub about. 20 or so minutes later and I was into another fish which felt good. After a good hard fight again, chub number two was in the net. This one looked a nice fish, although long and thin, and, on weighing it, she went 5lb 5oz, another good fish. On that note, I decided to call it a night and have a look at the pictures I had taken. I couldn't fish for another couple of days till the Saturday but after that session I wasn't too bothered! Saturday came and I was due to meet up with Darryn for a social and a guest day on a stretch where I was a member. It was a 4.45am start and the day started off slowly for me. Darryn, on the other hand, had a couple of nice chub from one swim - with one at 5lb 9oz which was worth a picture. After a quick chat, I went back to my swim but, with nothing happening, I decided to move. In that time, Darryn had caught another couple of good chub to 5lb 8oz, so they were definitely on the feed but I was obviously in the wrong area. The move paid off straight away, with a nice 4lb fish, and then another move produced another two chub. It reminded me that it was always worth trying different areas if you’re not catching.

We then decided to move to another stretch for a few hours and then come back to this water later on, for the last bit of the afternoon. Darryn shot off to go and get some food, so I dropped into the weir pool for a bit. It was a good move as I had a fish on the first bounce through the flush and, as Darryn came back, I had another one waiting to be netted.

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We gave the other stretch a few hours but with no luck so, with Darryn going home, I decided to go back for a final cast in my favourite swim and was rewarded with another nice 5lb+ chub.

I wasn't planning on going again until the last couple of nights but the other half gave me the green light for a quick evening session. The weather was dull and warm, so it felt like we could be in for some more action. I had already planned which swims I was going to try and after a long walk got into the swim just as it was getting dark. I had a couple of twitches after five minutes so I had a feeling there was a fish in the swim. I had another cast on a different light and I had a hit straight away but it was so sharp I never had a chance to hit it. I gave it another five minutes then reeled in to check the bait then recast in the same place and, after a couple of minutes, I had a good bite and struck into a fish. It made a dive for the tree I was casting to but, after giving the fish as much stick as I dared, it came out into open water ready for netting. As I peeled back the mesh it looked like a big 5lb-er but, after weighing the fish twice, it went 6lb on the nose. I called Darryn over and we weighed it again, achieving the same result. I was over the moon to catch another Wensum 6lb-er this winter!


With the confidence high, the next night started slowly. As they say, it only takes one bite and it did! After a very strong battle from my favourite swim again, I had what looked like another big chub in the net. It was a short but very thick set fish. I got it out to put her on the scales and she looked massive on the mat. As I picked her up on the scales I was gobsmacked to see it flick onto 6lb3oz and yet another stunning big Wensum chub.

I couldn't believe my luck. To catch six 6lb chub in one winter was, in my book, a right result! The last night of the season was a bit of a come down but I wasn't bothered as I'd had an amazing winter of chub fishing. I can't wait for the rivers to open again, to try pastures new and to catch up with another river powerhouse in the shape of the barbel! For now, it's tench all the way, so, until the next blog, tight lines and happy fishing.

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