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New Year, New Fishing Venue? Top 5 Tips for Fishing a New Venue

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New Year, New Fishing Venue? Top 5 Tips for Fishing a New Venue

To kickstart the new year, you may be challenging yourself to finally check out a new venue which can be incredibly exciting. The prospect, potential, and relative unknown of a place where you haven’t wet a line before can also be a little daunting. It can often be tricky to get that all-important first bite on somewhere new, so here are a few helpful hints to ensure that, when you head to a new venue, you give yourself the best chance of catching.

Looking for a new venue to try? Check out our Location Blog pieces on the AD Blog.

1. Tried and Tested

When it comes to your techniques on visiting a new fishing venue, if your usual approach works, keep at it. For your choice of tactics approaching new water, make sure you play to your strengths, and select tackle, tactics and bait that you have experience using, and confidence in.

There is nothing worse than heading somewhere new and trying a new bait and new rigs because you have no idea what has gone wrong and what to change if you blank; you just end up messing with your own head. Stick to what you know and what you do best, and you will put the odds in your favour.


2. Researching a new Fishing Venue

Before heading to a new venue, make sure you do your homework. The beautiful thing about the internet and social media is that there is often up to date information on captures and where fish have been coming from on venues. Try searching for information on sites like Angling Trust or FishAdviser. There are also often swim maps, fishery rules, and other essential information that you need to familiarise yourself with before you head to your new venue. After all, you need to ensure you are fishing within the rules and giving yourself the best possible chance to catch on your first visit.


3. Other Anglers

As long as you stick to social distancing rules, conversing with anglers already at the venue is a great way to better your knowledge and approach on a first session. Often anglers are more than happy to chat about their approach, and the successes they have had on the venue, from which spots. This can help you gauge an approach that will help you get that bite, as well as giving you a wealth of information to help piece the puzzle of your new venue together. There is also the option of asking for venue tips and tricks when shopping at your local Angling Direct! Check the nearest AD to your chosen venue, here.


4. Orientation and Location

Get an idea of where the north, south, east and west banks are. This will help you narrow down areas; for example, when a cold northerly wind is blowing, you will know where all that cold air will be hitting in relation to the lake. Wind behaviour can play a part in success rates so make sure to check out the weather prior to and at the time of your trip.


5. The Importance of Watercraft

Arrive as early as possible and stay as late as possible. Never let your eyes leave the water, no matter how much you want to relax. If you see showing fish, cast to them or move to an appropriate swim if possible. If it's safe and within the rules, get some elevation via a tree; this will help you see not only hopefully fish, but features such as shallow bars and areas of weed over a larger area of the lake.

To help with watching the water, don’t forget your polarized sunglasses, too. There are a host of shades to choose from that can help in any light level for seeing what’s going on beneath the water’s surface. If you have the location correct, often the rest will fall into place.


TOP TIP: At the end of the session markdown, via a fishing diary or one of the fishing-specific apps, where you have seen fish activity or caught from; this will help you when approaching the venue on your next trip, or at the same time of year the following season.


Above all else, enjoy new water and that magic of the first bite! We hope the tips above help you when you are heading to fish in a new venue!

For more fishing guides and tips, check out the AD Blog or video tutorials over on ADTV. Keep up to date by the following AD on social media.


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