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Lucy's Bowl - What It's All About!

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Lucy's Bowl - What It's All About!

As you maybe aware we at Angling Direct are supporting Lucy's Bowl via donations boxes throughout all of our stores. Here a very touching letter about the amazing work and difference this charity and Guide Dogs For The Blind do and something that we are all striving to support as much as possible.

My name is Ceri and I am Lucy's Guide Dog Owner I thought you would like to see a letter which I wrote to her.

Dear Lucy

I’m not quite sure you realise just how much you have changed my life.

Before I got you I was finding it harder and harder to leave the house due to the anxiety that it provoked in me, some days it was so strong that I just couldn’t go out and my world was shrinking more and more with each passing day. If I did manage to pluck up the courage to go out, I had to rely on people picking me up.

On Friday, 10 March 2017, I accepted a job in a completely new area; I didn’t really have any idea what I was doing, but there was something strong pulling me to Somerset, and you, sweet girl, were it. On Monday, 4 September 2017 you and I started training together. I really had no idea what I was letting myself in for, but it was the best (and hardest) decision I’ve ever made. Never having owned a dog (or really been around dogs before), I didn’t quite realise just how far dog slobber travels, or how much dog hair transfers from said creature to clothes. But more than that, I never knew the loyalty of dogs, or their unwavering support. Lucy, your zest when greeting me every morning makes me smile, your attitude to working and ensuring we get safely to places, your ability to remember where we are going (even if we’ve only done a route once), and your general attitude makes you a true 'dog'. You are the reason why I am able to go to new places, and why my anxiety is slightly reduced…you know when I need you, you put your head on my lap as if to say “it’s okay, I got this”.

You are the reason why my world is expanding again, why I am less anxious getting out to meet people, and why I can now talk and complete presentations in front of people about the amazing work we do together.

The saying "the world is your oyster, you just have to learn how to open the shell", is certainly true, and you, my sweet girl, have helped me to do just that. I love you more than you will ever know…even if you have stolen my beanbag!! Xx

Please show your support buy donating both in store with us at Angling Direct and getting involved in various events run throughout the year via the Lucy's Bowl Facebook page

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