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Jrc Radar DS Solar Bite Alarm Set... The Review

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Jrc Radar DS Solar Bite Alarm Set... The Review

Here's a little blog post from our head buyer, Robin Carver. Robin's just returned from a weeks fishing in France, on his return he wrote up this little post about his time away and the performance of his brand new alarms, the JRC Radar DS Solar Alarms.

I have just returned from a weeks fishing in France, before leaving I had a conversation with some of the shop staff on the merits of different alarms.

Delkim are by far the most popular and it seems we as anglers are very loathed to try anything different.

On one of the regular visits I spoke with the Pure Fishing sales agent regarding the newish JRC Radar alarms and I was particularly interested in the solar powered ones.

These are manufactured in Europe and come with a 2 year warranty.

They claim to be the first solar powered alarms that work with a Lithium-ion accumulator which charges through a rear solar panel, only daylight needed not sunlight.

JRC-Radar-Solar-Alarms-FiveThis battery contains sufficient power to last many weeks of fishing.

I purchased a set of these to try not because I had any problems with my previous alarms (Nash Sirens) but to try something different after all we all want the latest in our cars, TV’s etc but seem very hesitant to try anything new in the fishing tackle trade.

I purchased the multi colour set but you can buy a blue set or indeed purchase them individually.

I arrived on the Saturday to bright sunny warm conditions and had a lovely evening sitting out drinking a wine and eating good food, we had decided to start fishing the next day.

I awoke Monday morning to torrential rain and a cold miserable day but hey ho the fishing rods were already set up on the island so all I had to do was don my wet weather clothing and do the business.

JRC-Radar-Solar-Alarms-ThreeRods out time to retreat to beat a hasty retreat back to the luxury accommodation.

Yes this trip was not the normal bivvied up one, we had booked this small lake that came with a mobile home and all mod cons, how glad I was of this you will not imagine as the week carried on much the same day after day of cold rainy weather.

The accommodation is opposite the lake and a very short walk or run over the small wooden bridge to the island so we were able to sit in the relevant warmth of our home with the alarms set.

Now I would not dream of doing this if I was night fishing but I can easily get from the accommodation to the rods in much quicker time that I could bivvied up.

JRC-Radar-Solar-Alarms-OneI ended the week with twelve fish to 41lb 9oz the catch included two Sturgeon which although not weighed I guessed to be around the 30lb mark.

Not superb fishing but respectable none the less considering the conditions.

The lake is named Pierremont and if you fancy a small water with luxury accommodation I can recommend this water it is about 2 acres in beautiful surroundings and the fish are magnificent and their size belies their environment.

Now to the alarms we had a week of constant rain hardly any sunshine and they worked flawlessly not missing a beat and the range on them is awesome, I tried this with my colleague I walked to the edge of the site and still they registered which I guess was a few hundred metres.

For more information and to purchase these alarms online, you can check out the link below... Jrc Radar DS Solar Bite Alarm Set


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