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“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” - Michael Stewart

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“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” - Michael Stewart

After a weekend off for my friends 40th birthday I was itching to get back down my Cambridgeshire Syndicate. A quick Call to Tony on the drive up informed me that he was the only angler on the complex! My decision on where to fish was made without even seeing the the lake, the swim I’d fished on the last three visits it would be, poor angling you may think, but I’m a firm believer in “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.

On arrival I loaded the barrow and dropped straight back into the said area, rods went out to the productive spots all around the 70 yard mark, one under the overhanging trees middle of the island to my left, one off the point of the island and one in the deeper open water. 10mm Dynamite Baits Crave boilie’s tipped with plastic corn, mounted on size 6 Korda Kurv hooks fished blow back style, were the order of the day, along with Short Chods.

I’ve upped the amount of my “mix” that I’m  putting out over all three spots, so each day action or no action, I top up the area’s with a full bucket via the Spomb and it seems to be working.

The Mix… - 1kg Dynamite Baits The Crave 10mm Boilies - 1 bag Dynamite Baits 10mm Marine Halibut Pellets - 1 bag Dynamite Baits 8mm Robin Red Pellets - 2kg of Dynamite Baits The Crave Boilie crumb - 2kg of mixed particles, Hemp, Corn, Chick Peas and Maple peas - Half a bottle of Dynamite Baits Crave Liquid - 200ml of Dynamite Baits Krill CSL liquid

Martha-Carp-Blog-2 Brush-Stoke-4

The boilies and pellets are added first, followed by the liquids, corn, hemp and peas. This is then left to absorb as much as possible before I add the crumb and rest of the particle.

The rods were soon out, the spots were baited and it was just time for house up and kettle on!

Not a beep or show, seen or heard Friday night and by 5am Saturday I was up with a brew pondering on whether I’d dropped a proper clanger, being so single minded with my swim decision. With this in the back of my mind I hatched a plan to carry on watch the water and then to go from there. My pondering was cut short at 5:30am when the right hand rod in the deeper water ripped away, a right good tussle ensued, which I won, and a very orange Common with a broken wrist of 24lb 11oz was in the net, photographed and returned and carried on watching!


I left the rods till 11am before recasting with fresh hook baits and depositing another bucket of mix between the three, I’d still not seen a fish show and had my suspicions they were staying down in deeper water.

2:30pm Saturday and the middle rod to the point of the island locked up, I picked the rod up and walked backwards  but the fish was having none of it and had made it behind a weed bed or some other obstacle near the area. After a few moments of steady pressure I eventually had it moving and slowly inching towards me, it felt like a decent one too. Several deep powerful runs later I eventually steered, what I hoped would be a fish, along with a massive ball of weed into the folds of my waiting landing net.

I caught a glimpse of a creamy belly and cleared the rest of the weed, there lay another A-Team member, sulking away.

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I left her in the net for a while to recover, my initial thoughts were that it was a fish known as the ‘Pig’, but once on the matt Déjàvu kicked in as I was now convinced it was Martha, a mirror I’d had back in May at 41lb+. On the scales she went 38lb 11oz, I guess she’d dropped a little weight post spawning, but it didn’t really matter. After a few photo’s, as she looked darker since my previous capture, she was released back to her domain.


I got the rod back in position and topped the area up with a dozen midi Spombs of mix.

Saturday night was a carbon copy of the Friday, not a beep or a show. Again I was up early and again I was watching the water.

I hadn’t had anything off the shallower area for a couple of weeks and was hatching a plan to find a deeper spot in the same vicinity, when low and behold that rod produced a bite, steady pressure and it was out in open water and it wasn’t long before a long common with a huge mouth was in the net. Weighing in 22lb 10oz it was a nice end to my session.

Three bites and all three landed, that would do for me! I had a slow pack down and made my way home.

Until next time, be lucky… like me!

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