Our Ambition
To become Europe’s largest fishing club, through which all anglers can shop with confidence, seek advice and be inspired.
Underpinned by 6 Medium-term Objectives
- UK business on a flightpath to revenue of £100m
- UK business on a flightpath to >£6m EBITDA* (pre-IFRS16)
- Creating Europe’s largest fishing club, MyAD, and leveraging its value
- Development of a sustainable European business
- Deployment of surplus liquidity to further grow the business beyond the medium-term objectives
- Angling retail’s largest responsible employer
Clear purpose, strategy and medium-term objectives
- Targeting a core UK business of >£100m revenue and >£6m Adjusted EBITDA
- Sales growth delivered through:
- Stores: continuing the accelerated UK store roll out programme including small format
- Online: continuing to invest in technology that drives customer engagement and sales
- Both channels leveraging MyAD
- EBITDA growth substantially over indexing sales growth, underpinned by continued gross margin progression and further leveraging the cost base through further deployment of technology
- Delivering a UK double digit ROCE %
- Delivering a break-even position for Europe and position the business for growth
- Surplus cash above the minimum working capital requirement is intended to be deployed to exceed the UK >£100m target:
- The material component of this deployment into the UK business via a scale brand supply chain partnership and retaining headroom for opportunistic acquisitions
- Flexibility retained around European deployment
* Pre-IFRS2